Get to know our dedicated members!

  • Lisa Le (she/her)

    Card Maker

    Hello, I am 16 and a junior in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I like baking, reading, and music and I'm passionate about helping others because I love to spread joy and support! I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to be a part of a good cause and an amazing team! I believe we should thank all of those who work hard for the community.

  • Ella Bracken (she/her)


    Hey, I am 15 years old and in 10th grade. A few fun facts about myself is that I love Twilight and Harry Potter sagas, reading, astrology, and music! I’m most passionate about performing. it’s what I love doing and I find myself happiest when I’m doing that. I also love trying new things, and expanding my knowledge while being open to new ideas. I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to take action within my community and give back to those who have given so much to me, and so many others.

  • Mia Voqui (she/her)


    Hey! I’m 16 and currently a junior in high school. A fun fact about me is that the idea of space, stars, and the universe fascinates me and i love just staring at stars. I am most passionate about spreading awareness about social issues or conflicts going on in the world that don’t get the attention they deserve possibly because it is a minority group or because the media makes the decision to only focus on topics they feel are “important”. I think it’s very important that others are given the proper support they need to succeed and lead a happy life. I had been following the organization for quite some time and the values and goals for Giving Gratitude really intrigued me because the focus on recognizing our essential workers is a very important topic especially now and being able to share this with others is very important to me. Being able to be a part of this organization has also opened my eyes to how powerful simple cards and notes can be and how easy it can be to brighten someone’s day. I’m hoping that being a part of this organization as a publicity specialist I can also inspire others to become involved as well!

  • Morgan Allen (she/her)


    Hi, I am 14 and a freshman high school. One fun fact about myself is that I love to bake and I’m passionate about helping and educating others. I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to be apart of something that’s about spreading kindness.

  • Abigail Tekeste (she/her)


    Hey! I’m 18 and a senior in high school. A fun fact about me is that I’ve done an internship regarding global diseases in third world countries! I’m passionate about being an ally/advocating for the underrepresented regarding human rights! Human Rights, I believe, are everyone's essential humanity, and they should be equally valued and preserved. Human rights are vital because they recognize human life's innate value. Human rights are fundamental freedoms that we all enjoy just because we are human. They represent important societal ideals such as justice, compassion, fairness, and decency. They are critical safeguards for all of us, especially those who may be subjected to abuse, mistreatment, or loneliness. I chose to join Giving Gratitude because I think that organizations like this improves our outlook on the world around us. We may have a good impact on the lives of others by expressing gratitude and giving back. Happiness is contagious, and we can brighten the world around us by spreading thanks.

  • Alexandria Masinde (she/they)


    Hi! I am 16 and a junior in high school. One fun fact about me is that I can sleep anywhere, any time. I'm most passionate about social activism because I strongly believe in equality for all and not only tolerance, but respect for others. I joined Giving Gratitude because I want to spread kindness and love in these uncertain times, not only within school, but within the community, and beyond.

  • Millie Alinndra (she/her)


    Hey there, I am 14 years old and in 9th grade. I really love reading which I have no idea why and I used to destroy my books to make it look old and aesthetic. I'm passionate about helping others and doing volunteer work by probably being an activist about something I think is needed to. I first joined Giving Gratitude to have more experience while doing nice things like giving cards to others but then I actually realized that I actually joined to also help make others day better because sometimes workers that have been doing so so much is always under appreciated.

  • David Rose (he/him)


    Hey there! I’m 17 and a senior in high school. I love going on road trips and vacations, and I’m most passionate about making respecting others since I feel everyone deserves the respect that’s needed. I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to express my gratitude for others, which I know this organization does.

  • Jessica Saragi (she/her)


    Hello, I am 14 years old and in 9th grade. One fun fact about myself is that my favorite singer is Daniel Caesar and I’m most passionate about medical and dentistry since becoming a dentist is my dream! I joined Giving Gratitude because Giving Gratitude is an international organization so I can make friends around the world, also the purpose of this organization is to make people happy and I’d love to make someone’s day.

  • Gabrielle Gilmore (she/her)

    Operations: Project Manager

    Hey! I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. A fun fact about me is that I absolutely love Taylor Swift. If I could only listen to one artist for the rest of my life it would be her. #swiftie! I am most passionate about theatre. I love the feeling of being up on stage to dance and sing under the bright lights. It’s the most rewarding feeling knowing that I have had the courage to do something I never thought I was capable of doing. I have always followed Giving Gratitude and I have always had so much admiration for the people involved in it. I think it is so special that there is an organization that is student-run that has had such a great impact on our community. I have loved watching the organization grow and i’m so glad that I have gotten the opportunity to be a part of it!!

  • Gavin Cook (They/She)

    Web Management

    Hi. I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. One fun fact about myself is I love philosophy and history! I joined Giving Gratitude because I saw the amazing things they do and wanted to be a part of the team!

  • Raian Gutierrez (he/him)

    Web Management

    Howdy, I am 17 years of age I am a senior in high school. A fun fact about me is I have plenty of plants in my room and I am very passionate about my hobbies such as tennis and biking. I joined Giving Gratitude because I know a lot of people working front line jobs and wanted to show some support.

  • Shayna Bearby (she/they)

    Outreach, Card Maker

    Hi, I am 17 years old and a senior. One fun fact about myself is that I taught myself how to cut and dye hair. I really love learning about the complexities of how different people approach relationships and desires. I’ve always had such a fascination with how other people can process emotions in such vastly different ways. In a time where the social climate was very rigid, Giving Gratitude seemed like such a refreshing and positive community to be a part of.

  • Faith Cribbs (she/her)


    Hi, I am 16 and a senior in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I have a vicious hamster named melon and I’m passionate about spreading my knowledge to others to improve the means for basic human rights and understanding of that concept. I joined Giving Gratitude because I saw it as a great organization, especially having majority first responders throughout my family and the little things appreciation is huge for them and not hard to contribute too.

  • Nicole Riquezes (she/her)


    Hi, I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I’ve lived all over the world: Mexico, England, Spanish, US and I'm passionate about showing appreciation to people, giving them motivation and encouragement. I joined Giving Gratitude because I was referred by a friend.

  • Desila Girme (she/her)

    Volunteer Manager

    Hey! I am 17 and in 12th grade. I love to read books and want to travel the world someday. I’m most passionate about helping others which is why I want to become a doctor when I grow up, as well as faith as an Orthodox Christian! I joined Giving Gratitude because I loved the message that the organization holds, and beloved that this was a great opportunity to be involved in the message that the organization holds.

  • Taylor Dee (she/her)


    Hey, I am 17 and a senior in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I want to become a nurse and I'm passionate about my education as I’m driven to get into a good college and succeed I joined Giving Gratitude to help spread kindness and uplift others in these hard times and to make sure that frontline workers are recognized know that they are appreciated!

  • En-ning (Sydney) Wang (she/her)


    Hi, I am 17 and a senior in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I absolutely love Venom from Marvel and I'm passionate about creating change for unheard voices. As a minority student who has felt unheard for a majority of my experience in school, I strive to encourage others who have dealt through a similar situation and to spark reform in the environment that initiated these problems. I joined Giving Gratitude to work with individuals across the world to help produce positivity by giving back to our communities.

  • Annabel (she/her)

    Card Maker

    Hello, I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. One fun fact about myself is that I have 2 dogs and I’m passionate about painting because it gives me a chance to express myself. I joined Giving Gratitude because I want to spread love and kindness to all types of people.

  • Maya El Malah (she/her)

    Web Management

    Hi. I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. One fun fact about myself is I am a big Shakespeare fan, I love to read novels( especially mystery and romance). I love to write, watch Netflix, and I’m passionate about is self-development and self-improvement in my personal life. I’m always looking to challenge myself and learn new things. I believe the skillset & experience I possess not only shall bring value to Giving Gratitude , but in turn shall also help me to acquire experience & sharpen my skills amidst your organization’s professional work culture.

  • Lois Fiona (she/her)


    Hi! I’m 19 years old, and my favorite color is blue. A fun fact about me is that I love dogs but am sadly allergic to them. I’m most passionate about the medical field, because you get to help someone new everyday. I joined Giving Gratitude to be able to show appreciation to other people especially during this hard time.

  • Adriana Merino (she/her)

    Florida Chapter: Card Making Lead

    Hey! I’m 15 and a 10th grader in high school. A fun fact about me is that I love to travel to different parts of the world. I am most passionate about helping others in any way I can and making sure that there is always someone that people can look up to. I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to show my appreciation for frontline workers, and make sure that they are noticed and that we appreciate everything that they do for us.

  • Angela Qin (she/her)


    Hi! I am 14 and a freshman in high school. A fun fact about me is that I am super flexible and love going out with friends. I am passionate about sports, volunteering, my friends that are willing to help me and care for me and my amazing and lovely family. I joined Giving Gratitude because I loved how appealing and inclusive this environment is and want to get more involved and more opportunities.

  • Jessica Qian (she/her)


    Hey! I am 15 and in the 10th grade. A fun fact about me is that I go to an all girls Catholic high school. I’m really passionate about animals (mostly domestic) because they make the world a better place and create happiness in our lives. I joined Giving Gratitude because I wanted to spread positivity and kindness, especially during these tough times. Workers deserve to be recognized and praised for all the work they have done.

  • Satvik Guatam (he/him)


    Hi there! I am 15 and in the 10th grade. A fun fact about me is that I'm 6 foot tall, and most of my interests are not common in guys. I absolutely love designing and I'm a decent artist and so I wish to become a fashion designer. I joined Giving Gratitude because when I saw them on Instagram, I fell in love with their work and decided to become a member.


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